08 8361 3074

5 Day Food Distribution Round (Western Suburbs)


Business Description

This national company with locally focused distribution centres in every state of  Australia. 

This company completes the food service offering, including hospitality goods, fresh meat, seafood & warehouses. This distribution round has approximately 70+ clients at present comprising airports, hotels, cafes, take away shops, restaurants, supermarkets, service stations, schools, aged care, child care, etc.

At a Glance

  • 5 Day Food Distribution Round
  • Western Suburbs
  • Contract with National Company
  • Very Profitable Business

Tony Iasiello 0412 217 608

Financial Summary

Year Sales Return to Owner Return on Owner's Investment
2018/2019 $227,777 $187,497 113.63%
2019/2020 $200,275 $164,122 99.47%
2020/2021 $178,862 $153,933 93.29%